The Dismantling Of American, Of Western Rule From Pope, President, Pastor to Peasant

The Dismantling Of American, Of Western Rule form Pope, President, Pastors to Peasants, Naturally, Financially and Militarily,

     -Every time I hear economic crash I'm reminded of those two ferocious of beast, there seeming to be one rising from the sea, and yet another from the earth and together they're tearing through America's Petro addiction to an addiction to nation building that is at the time rightly Hussein, Obama's campaign. Though as well stomping, chomping and mowing through pulpits and pews, through peace getting porches, through stock and money markets crying I have a beast in 120 countries. Though all the earlier, and most concerning, monster, lethal, even the cry these long years how Antichrist will kill millions as millions like now go broke. So just another proof of the end times we're in, it's why for two consecutive times to three I've asked Hundreds of Millions of especially Americans. Actually of pending Tribulation Saints having only seconds left, to instead right now, come and go with me to Jesus, wedding suppers and mansions await, even the Spirit and Bride sayeth welcome.
     -As I said though the more carnivorous than the days of the Roman Empire, this cry in Prophet Daniel's ear to rise up and eat much flesh now it is the Leopard of Grecia, (come Armageddon). The Lion of Babylon (come Antichrist reign) and a demon dog, (typical possession of those forgetting God), just all these vicious beast I witnessed styling abominable lives, lands and churches. Now get this, as innocent house pets, who can't be deceived by this up and close personal family member? I guess we didn't render to Caesar what was His, nor God, our one soul Will, His, such rebellion Chris now this stumbling block of iniquity, Apostle Paul did warn. Then I hear in my hearing, "I will bring it all to waste, America, have you ever fallen before?" Be aware as God Himself, get ye to Jesus and get out of this as forewarn, seizure of God's wrath, on every side but one, of America, this world no flesh will stand, repent or perish, Apb, The RAM.


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