Red Alert, see Eze. 7,  Dutchsinse, see here, one of my Prophetic words. One who Virtually predicted a century old Mexico 8 plus Mega Quake​, is predicting similar activity the Western Seaboard.
     -So We're not just talking just San Andreas, nor New Madrid, Even why the West coast into the midsouth, mideast should  be evacuating, we're talking all the more active Volcanoes.
     -Thus we're talking the extinction level event, one I been seeing, predicting  this month into the next for over twenty years. What's happening the Southeast as predicted, has only claimed a few dozen lives.
     -What's happening Westward right now. Predicted by me, others will claim in the tens of millions, right into a pale horse judgment, America is ending, get Jesus, get out of it. Beware, you've been warned, Apb,


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