A Woman Bearing Business Cards For Better Homeless Shelters
Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White To Harvest
Listening To Selah, Lord I Trust You, here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kgjopAZpbw and here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAaYufpl6qc
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Righteous Prayer Changes Things, Repentant Prayer Changes The Heart, The Cursed Blood Lineage, Come, Go With Me To Heaven, Get Jesus www.escapetochristopher2017.blogspot.com www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com
-And I Heard In My Hearing, Questioned, "Noah Cousin," see NOAA, troubles, cirro-cumulus bombs to Ci Buna's from heaven, being just as deadly as the earth, so see as the days of Noah (NOAA), fornication, this breaking of the rainbow covenant, Apb,
Seen to be seeing the Jesus like husband, escaping us to Heaven/Georgia is also warning us about alien dangers from above, (Noah/NOAA, beware), Apb.
-The Sacrifices Of God, Is A Broken Heart Unto The Altars Of Jesus Christ, The Ark Of Salvation, Shepherd Of Our Deaths Into Ascension, wwwrepentnow2011.blogspot.com http://2017divinerelocation.blogspot.com/2017/06/repent-into-rapture-httpswww.html
Outbreaks Into Monster Disasters As Forewarn, The Woman Bearing Black Bowls/Business Cards, This Time Of All Time Ever,
-I officially Chris wrote this to a Minster Paul, his video followed behind a previous one, he too have seen these troubles mounting, can tell you who when, how mostly, where. I guess these 190 months 2001 into great judgment I, actually we been trying to tell you, your world is changed, the divine system allowing your world, even your America, things seem temporal, things not see eternal is past away. Mysteriously beginning with Hussein Obama's, little did we know it or opt to receive it, but the world as we knew it was now altered, changed forever. Obviously the reason why I've been seeing for decades just as many exodus as demonstrations of rapture, well it's because just as Jesus take His out. that's any day now, actually any second, it is the overall purpose of the Holy Spirit that pending tribulation saints make an exit as well, stage Southeast.
-I know, the very area millions are evacuating is the same area Elohim God. whose thoughts are not ours has designed a temporal safe-haven into exodus, thus a leap or walk of faith. Like my introduction to you, and Minister Paul and others, listening one morning to a young lady describing a dream. getting all attention, it was about a nation wide storm that destroyed all schools this nation, except the local where holy spirits had earlier relocated her, which just happen to be Georgia, just as I witnessed, doing the escape to Georgia dream, Obama's to America's dwindled time table, 06/26/2015 now God's Wine Press to Beast Reign.
Also See My Word, Dutchsinse, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f2c2p0SIOY
-Hello minister Paul, your video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OPIshFACys), followed a video I was watching about the latest solar flare of such a kind we'd not seen in our lifetime. What could be a Godzilla Monster I been warning especially this year of 2017 that are all coming, all that can make an extinction level event US soil, are all showing heighten activity, are all again come. That God has as the days of Prophet Ezekiel sent out reapers bearing one natural disaster after another, clearing sparing lives, setting fire behind what I've seen is an evacuation into the Southeast, along a Moses day exodus while the Bride arrives in heaven.
-I'd seen the date of September 23rd for months, even years, never paid it any attention, never paid attention to date setting period. honestly, it wasn't because Jesus said no man knew the day nor hour. Clearly, Jesus didn't say year, month nor season, this was before God's Revelations were unsealed and I always thought it made reference to His second coming. Anyway for 31 springs not an exaggeration holy spirits been showing me various demonstrations of rapture, but never event a hint of a date. You can even say my prophetic ministry began with an appearance of the Christ of resurrection, as prophesied in the heavens with these huge healing wings summoning the Bride to him, spring 1986.
-Furthermore, explaining the ticking under the death rider 1996, visibly right into a sixtieth year of this backward running clock of years. Only now it was the morning of 2015, They'd placed me in a dream, an additional demonstration of rapture/America's exodus, whereas as I began to board the escape vehicle. Understand right below the car window, only lasting a few seconds scrolling there was what I can only say was the estimated date and month of escape of September 25th, so I like to say, September 23-25th. As I said, until this reveal, I had no interest in date setting, when I share this, I'm only doing what I been doing these 31 years.
-Simply this showing and telling what I've been shown and told. Be encouraged, I heard your dilemma, it's the outreaching Bride as well. The dispensation of grace, allowing the church age, into western civilization, well it all expired Hussein Obama's appointed, 2008, two weeks and seven years administration. That is of God once again showing that He alone is God, right into a pending Cameron's Brexit of Islamic/Antichrist reign, Daniel's final week. Their, the rebellious world is ending and according to the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet, (Rev, 10, and 11), the Angel Gabriel 2004, did mention, they're angry, the heathen are raging, God's Judgment is come here, then Jesus' Millennium, as to follow Hussein Obama's, I witnssed this as well, beware, STAND! Apb, The RAM
Listening To Selah, Lord I Trust You, here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kgjopAZpbw and here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAaYufpl6qc
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Righteous Prayer Changes Things, Repentant Prayer Changes The Heart, The Cursed Blood Lineage, Come, Go With Me To Heaven, Get Jesus www.escapetochristopher2017.blogspot.com www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com
-And I Heard In My Hearing, Questioned, "Noah Cousin," see NOAA, troubles, cirro-cumulus bombs to Ci Buna's from heaven, being just as deadly as the earth, so see as the days of Noah (NOAA), fornication, this breaking of the rainbow covenant, Apb,
Seen to be seeing the Jesus like husband, escaping us to Heaven/Georgia is also warning us about alien dangers from above, (Noah/NOAA, beware), Apb.
-The Sacrifices Of God, Is A Broken Heart Unto The Altars Of Jesus Christ, The Ark Of Salvation, Shepherd Of Our Deaths Into Ascension, wwwrepentnow2011.blogspot.com http://2017divinerelocation.blogspot.com/2017/06/repent-into-rapture-httpswww.html
Outbreaks Into Monster Disasters As Forewarn, The Woman Bearing Black Bowls/Business Cards, This Time Of All Time Ever,
-I officially Chris wrote this to a Minster Paul, his video followed behind a previous one, he too have seen these troubles mounting, can tell you who when, how mostly, where. I guess these 190 months 2001 into great judgment I, actually we been trying to tell you, your world is changed, the divine system allowing your world, even your America, things seem temporal, things not see eternal is past away. Mysteriously beginning with Hussein Obama's, little did we know it or opt to receive it, but the world as we knew it was now altered, changed forever. Obviously the reason why I've been seeing for decades just as many exodus as demonstrations of rapture, well it's because just as Jesus take His out. that's any day now, actually any second, it is the overall purpose of the Holy Spirit that pending tribulation saints make an exit as well, stage Southeast.
-I know, the very area millions are evacuating is the same area Elohim God. whose thoughts are not ours has designed a temporal safe-haven into exodus, thus a leap or walk of faith. Like my introduction to you, and Minister Paul and others, listening one morning to a young lady describing a dream. getting all attention, it was about a nation wide storm that destroyed all schools this nation, except the local where holy spirits had earlier relocated her, which just happen to be Georgia, just as I witnessed, doing the escape to Georgia dream, Obama's to America's dwindled time table, 06/26/2015 now God's Wine Press to Beast Reign.
Also See My Word, Dutchsinse, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f2c2p0SIOY
-Hello minister Paul, your video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OPIshFACys), followed a video I was watching about the latest solar flare of such a kind we'd not seen in our lifetime. What could be a Godzilla Monster I been warning especially this year of 2017 that are all coming, all that can make an extinction level event US soil, are all showing heighten activity, are all again come. That God has as the days of Prophet Ezekiel sent out reapers bearing one natural disaster after another, clearing sparing lives, setting fire behind what I've seen is an evacuation into the Southeast, along a Moses day exodus while the Bride arrives in heaven.
-I'd seen the date of September 23rd for months, even years, never paid it any attention, never paid attention to date setting period. honestly, it wasn't because Jesus said no man knew the day nor hour. Clearly, Jesus didn't say year, month nor season, this was before God's Revelations were unsealed and I always thought it made reference to His second coming. Anyway for 31 springs not an exaggeration holy spirits been showing me various demonstrations of rapture, but never event a hint of a date. You can even say my prophetic ministry began with an appearance of the Christ of resurrection, as prophesied in the heavens with these huge healing wings summoning the Bride to him, spring 1986.
-Furthermore, explaining the ticking under the death rider 1996, visibly right into a sixtieth year of this backward running clock of years. Only now it was the morning of 2015, They'd placed me in a dream, an additional demonstration of rapture/America's exodus, whereas as I began to board the escape vehicle. Understand right below the car window, only lasting a few seconds scrolling there was what I can only say was the estimated date and month of escape of September 25th, so I like to say, September 23-25th. As I said, until this reveal, I had no interest in date setting, when I share this, I'm only doing what I been doing these 31 years.
-Simply this showing and telling what I've been shown and told. Be encouraged, I heard your dilemma, it's the outreaching Bride as well. The dispensation of grace, allowing the church age, into western civilization, well it all expired Hussein Obama's appointed, 2008, two weeks and seven years administration. That is of God once again showing that He alone is God, right into a pending Cameron's Brexit of Islamic/Antichrist reign, Daniel's final week. Their, the rebellious world is ending and according to the sounding of the seventh angel trumpet, (Rev, 10, and 11), the Angel Gabriel 2004, did mention, they're angry, the heathen are raging, God's Judgment is come here, then Jesus' Millennium, as to follow Hussein Obama's, I witnssed this as well, beware, STAND! Apb, The RAM
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