From a death sparrow to a dooms day scenario

Jonah (duthsinse)  and the well (America)

From a death sparrow to a dooms senario and churchians to Sandians know it

     I have sat in high places like the Prophet Jeremiah lamentations, as so Apostle John's Revelation witnessed of the cataclysmic fall of Mystery crying aloud, once battered by my own incorrigible fellow men. If you'e wondering, yes, that same Prophet Jeremiah I witnessed, 2003, a US General, not realizing the tangled web of terrorism they'd now been trap, now hand his horse off  to, as so saying to his men how this truly unforeseen pile up of torture vehicles for as far as the eyes could see, all while this evil of beast final rise were being awarded diamond wedding rings for their deadliest assult against Christians to Westerners, into a description as a dirty Mede.
     -Undoubledly it's as prophet Daniel seeing the rise of four nations, for Apostle, 2002, it was the rise of four continents to nations.. As with Prophet Daniel's fourth beast, described as non-descript an commanded in Daniel's ear, to rise up and eat much flesh, now western civilization, Mystry America all right now with God's winepress stretvh to the horses bridle now bearing down on them, forewarn only months past to be reaping martyred blood sown the heart and holocaust of men. whose reapingis estimated to be some 175 miles of blood frightfully hinting that no flesh would be saved or no man can stand and recent monster storm, Apostle warn, as reapers sent, marsheled right along all procastinating scape to exous targeting the heart whose clostliest toll though it broke records, it claimed hardly enough to blood to mention, now this newest of Noah, (NOAA's) Ark in the room of denial most lethal of the cry in my ear, even this funeral reef stretched into the heavens, this literal massacare of westerners that some fifty million are dead with a palehorse/Islamic/Antichrit reign. So when known scientist this nation, this world are constantly warning the US western coast is a dooms day scenario locked and loaded, I'm reminded of this dream where I witnessed a wall of water, just parked, just primed for mass destruction, awaiting orders only God can give, this worse case scenario whether your dutchsinse for his own arrogance can see this and predict this or not, like I told someone lately, deluded into name calling, something so mighty, design it whatever you like, nature man, this I heard in my ear catastrophe on the earth, a nuclear attack, an impact of Noah's Cousin, NOAA, a Nibiru/Carrington, or a Yellowstone eruption, see Rev. 6, 6th seal. I know this, just as Apostle predicted all that's happen up to now, this extinction level event, your fault, their fault, the fault of God's winepress, an out break of mortuary will target US soil, in less than two months, laying to rest, I also heard in my hearing, tens of millions, finishing the 190 years of technology, of wicked devices allowed it, all which I forewarn eclipse 2017, demonstrated it's exact trajectory, this speeding toward mankind two times a Godzilla monster whereas Holy Spirits were witnessed evacuating pending tribulation saints as far Southeast as Georgia, just as, any second now, they took the Bride skyward, beware!  

And I Heard In My Hearing, Get Ye To Repentant Altars, God Is Avenging martyred blood,

and if you think Holy Spirit is directing you to church, then is he as never before this earth as the Prophet Joel, commanding you, that you sleep at it's altar. Now if any man, pope, president, politician. pastor/preacher, prognosticator /procrastinator, pedophile, parents or parishioners even an Angel/or disaster Fund from heaven tell you anything other then pound self, guns, bombs and voting booths into altars of Jesus Christ, to then as the days of Noah's earth, Lot's Sodom, Nimrod's Babel, King Nebuchadnezzar's Stone, Ezekiel's Armageddon and Moses's Egypt US soil, get you and yours out of it, as in the word Now shown only months past as 'Judgment Now,' and days later, escape. as in the word 'Now,' shown as a blinking light of caution now to be honest, I don't know how Holy Spirits could be any clearer. Stop trying to save your life, Jesus already warn all who does, that walk in fear will lose their lives indefinitely, this curse, judgement and hell. Death, as I taught through one of my characters lately is inedible, this has never been about saving our life, for it was in sin that your tiyr father's seed to Mother's womb conformed all mankind, hence Jesus' cry, he that save his life, as to say, whosoever safeguard a curse is condemned already, but whosoever surrender to Christ's Cross, the curse eliminator, it's soul blood reconciliation is a blessed death, resurrection and ascension, the second death no longer empower you, for which the spirit and Apostle Paul cry death where is thy sting, grave where is thy glory.
     -I asked lately the identity of the woman bearing black bowls of the worse of great tribulation right into millions standing patiently awaiting a single water cooler, the worse of tortures, though soon this intermission of amazing grace as she instead make them an offer of better homeless shelters, who is this woman exerting God, to Jesus, to Holy Spirit like authority? I know this, when Holy Spirits described in my ear, 2011, that the ascended Bride now heaven bound mission would be to intercede God's throne for the tribulation saints now given temporarily into Antichrist hand, it's ultimate test, when you have done all to stand, stand. Seeming, we've wondered so far into bible prophecy fulfillment that we're now seeing the Bride's from heaven earthbound ministry. Though first the meeting with the Angel Gabriel's, the seventh angel hath come, the witness to be in possession of the stone cut out without hands, to be in possession of better homeless shelters, a witnessed further as to open the Lamb's book of life into a roll call and census taking,  all the more extraordinary the witnessed as to be in heaven, before a mountain and sunlight God's throne, lamenting as the days of Moses, let my people go (into America's Truexit, exodus!

 . As to watch in horror as the only nation, the only world rule and home I've known utterly to wiped from the planet


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