An Invasion Of Peace Descending

     -"His knees are broken," I was in a dream, I was searching for my husband, I went to call him, only a female (seducing spirit, demon), answered his phone, explained how she had him, and then explained how he was no help to me anyway, because and I quote, "His Knees were Broken," (unrepent, He, they're damned). Pretty much what God was saying about his people Israel, explaining to a prophet Ezekiel how the people being imprudent at the heart that has made them incorrigible in their sin, wouldn't, even couldn't hear him, thus Jesus explanation for speaking in parables, the people born blind, deaf, naked and heart harden, parables couldn't hurt. These Bitter truths are equally why God's Revelation laments blessed are the hearers and doers of it's prophesies, for the time, as the appearance of the Angel Gabriel 2004 forewarn,, all unto fulfillment, the time is at hand.
     -Next I know I'm on a 21 day fast, anxious to repair that now broken, to restore the husband, even the divine Genesis Marriage. Just as soon being my sickest, my most miserable, I never said, but when I fast or alter my diet, it increases by ability to have seizures just this horrid thing, this was one of those times. Soon the Holy Spirit eased in beside me something He's been doing these thirty-on springs, come right into ear, asked me this most mightiest of questions,. A question to be honest I didn't have to think about as you shouldn't given the two greatest of commandments, "is He (the Genesis Marriage/Marriage Supper), worth all this pain, this agony? I love him, (for God so loves the world into it's Righteous Judgment that is now come), love is worth all this pain." Whosoever shall save (love) his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life (hate his sinful life), for my sake shall gain it (eternal life), forever more, Jesus, who or what is worth your death and dying, where are your most cherished treasures, even who is it's shepherd?
     -Not only doing this time, that's as the days 1998, even America's hand writing on the wall of judgment, did I hear Holy Spirit call all mass assembly into this love of God, that they be Christians instead of Churchians, churchians, (Mat. 7:21-23), though these crafty thieves, cast into outer darkness cannot reach nor enter unto Elohim's Throne. Though just as I begin to wake from sleep that morning, it was clear I was exiting heaven, that I was surrounded by the Heavenly Host, those biding me farewell and lamenting how they can't wait to be where I am. I know, believe Apostle, I know. I'd spent this Holiday of Easter at home, laying around, had the movie Passion of the Christ playing, just in and out of Anointing Spirit, speaking in tongues. the same language as they did, at one time the ceiling into the heavens open, and the brightness like the sun, having a descending  angel eventually eased into an appearance, the rapture I was sure of it, only not yet. How anxious is the Marriage Supper to the Bridegroom after the Bride, surely as the deer paneth after the water-brook, so is the anxiousness of the come Marriage Supper, hallelujah again I say.
     -Just remember Jesus said, those who believe not are condemned already, meaning their birth upon curse into distractions and delusions is yet upon them. That whosoever name isn't written in the Lamb's book of life is tossed into a lake which burns with fire, when, if you're in hell, ( it'll be the mightiest of what you'll remember. Reminded of the conversation Jesus is having with Pilate, the governor of a system of world war whose carnivorous beast since the days of Daniel's prophecies into a tug of nuclear war right now were commanded to rise up and eat much flesh at all and any cause, America not only at the Brink of war, not only at the brink of nuclear war but war on US  soil, this apocalyptic lost of all blessedness that's ever been, the dispensation of Grace having the Bride into the outreach of Western Rule. So if you have foolishly persuaded your self  that Trump won't do it, Apostle is here to tell you, as promised these thousand  of years. Now as the President of America he, Trupm has too, it's the beginning death toll of tens of millions I been seeing since Clinton into Trump's Administration.
     -Herein if you're finally thinking Jesus, Jesus know you're dying, he's know since that horrid day into edin and horrid night in Gethsemane, his blessed rescue would begin at, with his Cross, and Cross training I guess you say of disciples. Jesus, as so the Bride crying aloud th fiends are white unto harvest, has a world of people He is to persuade from condemned flesh, to Holy Spirit. Know and understand, the moment HE said ye must be born-again, began Jesus the blessed death, where God's throne to an incalculable host of heaven powers and dominion is now it's glorious into glorification shepherd. As too crying aloud, not even the gates of hell shall prevail," because the only power evil hold as this threat over mankind isn't death, it's ascension, for any born again to be separate from the flesh, despite it's sometime horrid process, is to be presence with Lord Christ forever, Heir to His throne.
     -Believe Apostle this is the part where Jesus looking at the most horrid of death is instead explaining to Governor Pilate His Kingdom is not of this world nor is yours. Mankind's continuence into eternity haven't been this world's since this same evil lead our first parents ever this earth to disobey God, you say, ask but why? So He, this dragon could totally and completely, that's even now  as America, this constant shaping of wicked devices by which to mutate into total genocide the Genesis man. Explaining when as Apostle John witnessed Revelation 12, this Christ, the second Adam blood seed being snatched from this planet right out the Dragon's reach, it will be the ultimate proof to the most lethal of wickedness of all Satanic, demonic to rebellious failure, so the great day of resurrection isn't only about the saints, is it the beginning to the end of this, sweet, sweet fruition of Jesus lamenting from bloody crosses, all of them from Abel into this very second by second coundown, the Bride at present,
    -That it, Satan attempt to destroy the human being is overthrown. Heretofore, the witness as lately as 2015, of seeing Antichrist in great prowess pending Trump the Truexit administration, though as well seeing the Bride not only reigning in heaven, but what she now had in her possession, is the revelation of heaven that ran the most powerful Kingdom this earth, King Nebuchadnezzar into seven years of madness that despite how far and for how long there is a stone cut out without hands, having the surface of a meteor targeting all mankind to nations rebelliousness, awaiting it's fullness of time, tht when the reigning Bride ready to release it, I heard a voice lament. This is why Apostle ask, hundreds of millions of American's facing eviction to deletion by unprecedented judgments of cataclysms, to instead come with Apostle into Jesus, didn't you know, the Prophet Isiah asked, the righteous are taken out of the evil to come? Pray the father, Jesus suggested, that you're found worthy to escape.
     -Jesus the only name given under heaven, Jesus the only way, truth and life, Jesus the only good death to Righteous Shepherd, awake, repent, escape, into HIM, Jesus and may God bless your exodus,  Amen! I explained lately, how when your prayers turn to praise, you know you're walking in Jesus faith, truly it is by faith we know that things are not made up of what actually appears, for instance. While an entire world, 11' Oclock shopping lunch hour or not, watched another powerful world leader, Saddam Hussein, being hunted down for persecution into execution by this world's greatest enemy. At the same precise time, in the Spirit world, what they couldn't see was right within this wickedness to vast uncertainty of the evil hearts of men. YOu are not going to believe it, I wiy=tness it and a marveled what I saw, this street to street, house to house, nation to world out cry for a Hussein to reign, knowing now this was a pending Hussein Obama.
      -Although at the time, I know, I was seeing this, their streets nation and world wide were run amoke  with miles and miles of marching, screams and debate, how they so wanted this man's reign, this hussein to reign, although to keep with prophetic scripture I'd predicted a Hussein whitehouse, yet the only Hussein I knew was being mightily taken out of the picture, though man's, not God's.
I remember thinking how will sSaddam Hussein reign, he is right now being hunted down into exceution? Forgetting I guess, that to those predestined will find a way, you must understand there is the delusional world, that's been pulled over men's eyes, Adam's lineage, so from birth, the moment satan made disobedience appear godly, even genius, As so by Jesus's appearing to Holy Spirit ascension we equally know there is the blessed world, the world that's been viele  from us, wjy Apostle Paul describe we look through a glass darkly, you see Michael call to see the man in mirrot would be flawed until he first see the God salvation whose sins prevented him from glorious anointing.
      Crying, pleading and fainting where those witnessing Christ's Cross, their beloved suffering a horrible cross, but what they didn't see, or couldn't see, not even His Disciples, is that Jesus was a spirit ascending to kingdoms in heaven, just as he was a Savior dying upon out cross. What did Jesus tell the thief admonishing Him, His Mercy, "today you will walk with me in paradise, today, as in only hours from this horrible cross. Wake up, this the closer we get to ascension, getting to be too extraordinary this planet to explicate is why I end these various blog with one single suggestion. that you America, that you world wake up, this is why none of what is Christ is here to win you over to the abominable religious whore, you are hers at birth, why to be Christ, you must be born again. Even more so since Satan's crafty deception reinvented itself as the greatest nation, religion to super power this earth that the least to the greatest seek after, it's prestigious stumbling of iniquity.
     -Though Jesus made it plain, the spirit of the Lord God, is upon the Righteous Church Bride, with the purpose of preaching the gospel truth to the poor in spirit, to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and according to Holy Spirit revelation to John all nations, kingdom, tribes and people are captives of this whorish mystery Babylon that is western rule. It's why scripture says when the fullness of time hath come, god gace orth his son, the one name unde heavn, born from the woman, the woman seed, apart from Adam's cursed lineage, born under the law, Jesus as God, come a victim to his own law of transgression, to redem those bond, as in an Egyptian bondsman and now the sunlight behind a mountain in heaven, doing this inconceivable stagnation of all celebration, this notable silence God's throne, then as the days of Egypt's to God's Moses, you hear an alike cry "let my people go," into exodus thus the spirit and bride sayeth come.

i'm doing a little bitty


 -Let everything that hath breath praise God, as I witnessed Jesus millennium 2016, post Hussein Obama's, and all world powers, wars descend down into it King of kings and Lord of lords. They'd suffered mass death tolls, even Us soil, so do all your dying in Jesus, God now it's shepherd.O blessed death where s thy sting? Understand prophetically this can't happen, Jesus' Millennium, not until as Gabriel 2004 mention 'the seventh trumpet angel sound., beautifully it's the testament of Apostle John witness, Rev. 11, the twenty four elders casting down their crowns in celebration.
     -Ya'll must understand this is the blessedness we're to look forward to, it's what Holy Spirit meant doing a visitation in heaven 2013, when thy told me they couldn't wait to be here, what a switch right, wait, wait, what? Nations angry, heathen raging, mankind's reign ending just as Antichrist rule, Jesus to God's reign hath come, again, kiss this son lest He be angry and you perish.... And His Name Shall Be Called, Everlasting Father, now this world government, Amen, Amen, got him, got Jesus yet? Amen, bless your heart even more, see


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