Blackness, There's Something About August 29th
-Beware Of Any Prediction of Guam, 2005, Apb, WW3 into Armageddon, Again Apostle Said, Beware!
Video... "A Dictatorship In The Shadows," Video, I, Apostle couldn't have said it better myself, though Trump showed himself a dangerous man. Certainly the emphasis being on, showed HIMSELF a dangerous man when he declared America safe indefinitely. I mean you could virtually hear Jong Un's missiles impacting US soil this fulfillment of an Asian invasion 1998, even that such foolishness is met with sudden destruction, I Thess. 5:3, tens millions dead, injured or missing, let no man, nor President deceive you, beware! Apb
Video, WW3 Has Just Begun, Video,, (see here,, Apb
-Article... N.Korea says considering strike on Guam after Trump warns of 'fire and fury' article..., so holy spirit prophesied this would happen how many years past? Whereas in my come to be prophetic parables, really spontaneous, the Yellowstone Caldera just begun to erupt, right now one or other is pending, got Him, got Jesus yet?
Prophecy Link
-And I Heard in my hearing a cry in my ear, just as my eyes open, "Are You Readyyy, Ready For The Big Ride Babyyyy!, 07/31/2017 (It's Nicholas Cage character, Castor Troy, The Movie face Off, certainly this parody right now of what's truly going on between Trump and Jong Un. Of America being warn on all fronts but temporarily this one, Southeast; on having a nuclear fate, whose Trump is a Truexit and Jong Un's out break of Missiles tests, taunting relentlessly US soil, so are you ready? Beware, be very aware
-And I Heard in my hearing, "Its a hit, Cities hit, Guam just did it," this is a military strike yet to happen, that's been in my prophecies at least ten years now. All of which seen to be coming to past, as is warn this article. I want you to deeply reconsider, Revelation 17, as well as the days of Moses and Pharaoh, when Holy Scripture describes God suggesting putting it in men's hearts, (The heartening of Moses' Pharaoh, King Zechariah, King Nebuchadnezzar even King Saul, just naming a few, to the hardening of present leaders), to turn over control of their power to the Antichrist. awake, Apb, The RAM, see blog here,
-What Will Happen September 23-25, Will Jesus Be Angry At Us, Like At The Religious Leaders For Not Knowing He Is Come?
-How many Americans believe this? I'm not talking how they believe in God yet they don't serve Jesus as Christ Lord, the way, truth and life, to, with God. Herein living by His grace as all the evil, wicked world but worship Satan and attend church as an alternate to true repentance, just this amassing apostasy, now having beast. Heavenly Father's primary first of all goal is that men lose their mind, heart and souls spiritually to become as Jesus, this life and continuation in Holy Spirits, to glorification. These graces to gory is why the Apostle Paul is begging of you, as recorded his Romans the 12th chapter. Redeeming the human has been Elohim's goal since the mention of the woman seed, the Genesis and now it's ours. A Blessed like Her Christ, Righteous Brides who're relentless to this task to death separating us to reunite us with Christ Jesus forever. All better explaining the witness of Her, lately not only reigning in heaven but being in possession of the specialty stone that will end all things Antichrist, all! See Dan. 2, into Rev. 12.
Video... "A Dictatorship In The Shadows," Video, I, Apostle couldn't have said it better myself, though Trump showed himself a dangerous man. Certainly the emphasis being on, showed HIMSELF a dangerous man when he declared America safe indefinitely. I mean you could virtually hear Jong Un's missiles impacting US soil this fulfillment of an Asian invasion 1998, even that such foolishness is met with sudden destruction, I Thess. 5:3, tens millions dead, injured or missing, let no man, nor President deceive you, beware! Apb
Video, WW3 Has Just Begun, Video,, (see here,, Apb
-Article... N.Korea says considering strike on Guam after Trump warns of 'fire and fury' article..., so holy spirit prophesied this would happen how many years past? Whereas in my come to be prophetic parables, really spontaneous, the Yellowstone Caldera just begun to erupt, right now one or other is pending, got Him, got Jesus yet?
Prophecy Link
-And I Heard in my hearing a cry in my ear, just as my eyes open, "Are You Readyyy, Ready For The Big Ride Babyyyy!, 07/31/2017 (It's Nicholas Cage character, Castor Troy, The Movie face Off, certainly this parody right now of what's truly going on between Trump and Jong Un. Of America being warn on all fronts but temporarily this one, Southeast; on having a nuclear fate, whose Trump is a Truexit and Jong Un's out break of Missiles tests, taunting relentlessly US soil, so are you ready? Beware, be very aware
-And I Heard in my hearing, "Its a hit, Cities hit, Guam just did it," this is a military strike yet to happen, that's been in my prophecies at least ten years now. All of which seen to be coming to past, as is warn this article. I want you to deeply reconsider, Revelation 17, as well as the days of Moses and Pharaoh, when Holy Scripture describes God suggesting putting it in men's hearts, (The heartening of Moses' Pharaoh, King Zechariah, King Nebuchadnezzar even King Saul, just naming a few, to the hardening of present leaders), to turn over control of their power to the Antichrist. awake, Apb, The RAM, see blog here,
-What Will Happen September 23-25, Will Jesus Be Angry At Us, Like At The Religious Leaders For Not Knowing He Is Come?
-How many Americans believe this? I'm not talking how they believe in God yet they don't serve Jesus as Christ Lord, the way, truth and life, to, with God. Herein living by His grace as all the evil, wicked world but worship Satan and attend church as an alternate to true repentance, just this amassing apostasy, now having beast. Heavenly Father's primary first of all goal is that men lose their mind, heart and souls spiritually to become as Jesus, this life and continuation in Holy Spirits, to glorification. These graces to gory is why the Apostle Paul is begging of you, as recorded his Romans the 12th chapter. Redeeming the human has been Elohim's goal since the mention of the woman seed, the Genesis and now it's ours. A Blessed like Her Christ, Righteous Brides who're relentless to this task to death separating us to reunite us with Christ Jesus forever. All better explaining the witness of Her, lately not only reigning in heaven but being in possession of the specialty stone that will end all things Antichrist, all! See Dan. 2, into Rev. 12.
-So I'm talking
about Americans, especially them, as the world is lead yes, by them,
believing to the point they're doing something about America arriving
this end, Indefinitely, I'm not just talking these underground preppers, those
whose ferocious digging under the earth has come disastrous to so
dangerous they're disassembling, as to increase earthquake activity,
causing house size sink holes, onto destroying top soil. Regardless
that this type of fear have been warn these thousands of years that is to
take on such life saving techniques as this, as God always knowing them. Having
taken note of them crying aloud as recorded the book of Revelation,
“mountains fall on us and hide us, for the great day of his wrath
is come. Well at least they know regardless of their evil leaders
staging a coup of prevention that they know and that knowing is a road to reconciliation,
crying aloud right now/
-Personally, as in right
now, as of Revelation 5th seal, “get ye to repentant
altars, God is avenging martyred blood," and if the Righteous are
scarcely saved, unmistakably, the prophesied Rapture, Great Gathering of Saints. This is how you know it's a loving God,
He's to warn you one, to repent to Jesus, two, since all is ended
into unthinkable disasters get yours and get out of it! All else is
as Jesus said in the beginning thieves and robbers, to ruin the
Genesis man/marriage, all after your immortal souls. Meaningfully,
stop, desists everything you're doing, a procrastination targeted by
sword-like syringes bearing reapers, making drug overdoes a pandemic
in the land; right into the number killer of parents, abandoning their children. Instead, get ye
to altars of Christ, we're talking the pounding to death of a cursed
blood lineage to self first, then all treasures into dust and wind,
because only when it all dies can it then be made new in, by Jesus
-I mean we are
like the days of Noah, Lot, the prophets of old, even those of Moses,
reminding you of a wrath present right now whereas not only is
restarting schools, viewed as perverted to demonic traps for children
defying God's command that Americans exodus, but every breath taken
US soil is in defiance of a designed seizure by the enemy, again that
we flee. I know, I always take you back to the worse or the worse of
God pouring out His Right to reap blood guilt, wrath; although, just as
Apostle John is being explained upon the great whore of religion. He
then hears how there were once seven specific Kingdom nations, the
greatest in their day, now all as predestined and prophesied, fallen
away. Only now, here two thousand years later, right into the rest of
all nation building, said prophetic fulfillment has begun, these
biblical Kingdom nation bloody to blood guiltiness of an offspring, deemed western civilization, whose Superpower, and that raging at God's cataclysmic eviction right now, is America/Trump.
-Equally and
beyond their abominations of whose age of terror upon this world has
simply, as the age of grace, ended climatically right into the
fulfillment of Daniel's final week of years. Those involving Israel and thus Jacob's worse of troubled days of these last days. So my
grandson runs in just now, grandmar there's a man talking world war
on my mom TV, it's Joel Olsteen, by the time I arrive I see my daughter has Joel Orlteen
playing and by now he's talk about a parable of sorts of God sending a
spider's web in trouble times, oddly that's while my son is fightint off spiders and web at the door right now, see here,
I was like yes son, though God has told us not to fret, to stand no
matter what, Jesus is always like now come for the Righteous. Still,
this is the same God who send a Giant flood Noah's day to destroy all
persons on the earth that wouldn't stop sinning. In other
words, did this Joel knowing its like the days of Noah and Moses,
tell the people to run, that America is over?
-Heretofore they're to practice being a man of faith and be a Righteous lead to so many others, by obeying God's designed Exodus? Because, right now, that is the position Americans are in, these leaders know this, there is no way they don't see America has ended, (has ended). Finished that is actually the moment Obama's assigned two weeks and seven years timetable was depleted into Cameron's then pending Brexit of the West's End signed on the dotted line by PM Cameron. Oddly right into a pending Truexit, that is Trump, both the Brides escape into America's exodus, talking once more, of using their own traps of politics against them.That it, America is now being bombarded by one wrathful act of God after another only that they run, that they, like Revelation has cried of Mystery's end these thousands of years. It's judgment has come, tens of millions will perish beginning US soil, that they get themselves out of it, as in a Moses style exit!
-Heretofore they're to practice being a man of faith and be a Righteous lead to so many others, by obeying God's designed Exodus? Because, right now, that is the position Americans are in, these leaders know this, there is no way they don't see America has ended, (has ended). Finished that is actually the moment Obama's assigned two weeks and seven years timetable was depleted into Cameron's then pending Brexit of the West's End signed on the dotted line by PM Cameron. Oddly right into a pending Truexit, that is Trump, both the Brides escape into America's exodus, talking once more, of using their own traps of politics against them.That it, America is now being bombarded by one wrathful act of God after another only that they run, that they, like Revelation has cried of Mystery's end these thousands of years. It's judgment has come, tens of millions will perish beginning US soil, that they get themselves out of it, as in a Moses style exit!
-Being crystal
clear, there will be an American exodus, in some ways it already is,
a slow motion exodus by procrastinators standards. Honestly, it's why
God besides these reapers have put a threat of nuclear fire to a
Yellowstone type eruption, behind them. I know, the extent Supreme
Heavenly host has come to and time I laid eyes on Angel Gabriel 2004, I
mourn this very thing. Again the extent ELOHIM has come to, to persuade people to
save the one life, into eternal life, that belong only to them. Those
not just incorrigible with sin, but those just as incorrigible with
temporal America, these wind to dust treasures. Now until these leaders start
telling God's people this, that America is under the greatest of
judgments ever this earth. So mush so, one making of an extinction
level event after another targets her and like the days of Moses
there is a command that God's people either by divine escape or
exodus forsake it all.
-Intelligibly, even why Trump's presidential campaign was to instead be pound into Altars of Jesus Christ, God will, God will see these Olsteen type leaders only as false prophets and when God bring cataclysmic disasters like those heighten and pending US soil right now, one after another their way, they'll have their reward, repent or it's death, judgment and Hell! So these nation and earth enders coming, is possibly why by a dream the night of June 26th 2015, my Jesus type husband in my dreams This one come and carried all my grands off to Georgia as to get them off safety, seeing I wasn't listening, so this all of a sudden wake up clause/call. Soon said dream wasn't only about evacuating my grands from pending dangers, but it was about Christ also making an escape of the Bride as well. Understand, this amazing to explicate deliverance wasn't only about getting the Bride out of an inedible end of nation building that has come, tens of millions to perish US soil alone. Miraculously it was about getting as many as Americans as possible to evacuate as well, that's Southeast, into an eventual exodus, one I been seeing Americans in, sincerely, just as plenteous as I've seen the Bride the skyward escape, I've seen their grounded exodus.
-So now, doing this final demonstration of rapture both were being moved out of danger at the same time, ah, indeed what a mighty God of love and mercy we serve, if only we practice in believe, hallelujah, I say! Needfully, I'm just gonna say, if God is so desperate to move such inundated with the American illusion human beings out of the way, that my Jesus' husband is dead. That now my daughter whose mom sickness got us to Georgia two years to the exact day and month anniversary as this escaping to Christ, to Georgia dream, has after three attempts on her life, ascended, having received Christ, her ailment like so many other loved ones seen now stranded in Georgia, again mom's having served it's purpose. Before any of these eliminations into exodus, I witnessed reapers getting after stampeding trying to escape what seen like the days of the Cuban Missiles crisis in the land, only worse with having an outbreak of mortuary all around them.
-Causing this quick to get away, was the worse of breaking news was upon them, as presently this threat of Nuclear fire biting at their heels, one that's to threaten all parents for the kill, yet another that is commanded to finish all schools, these transgender traps, just now again starting up. Not only shown to be this at present slow motion exodus, but as i forewarn, possibly with 20 millions instantly dead, on to the prophesied 50 million this beginning total, an American exodus no less. Explaining just as well this maze of apocalypse set up along a single water cooler for millions now stranded, yet while a woman bearing black bowls, vials, Rev. 16,. Simply, what the worse of the worse yet to come, the beast' mark can't shelter them from, is visibly approaching. Only right now, all Elohim, to Apostle see, are Americans going on just as Jesus forewarn, as the days of Noah, happily, rejoicing at seeing, hearing and knowing nothing, these Olsteen type messages, of sudden destruction come for them, directly. Awake, beware, DECIDE, Apb, The RAM, May God bless your exodus, Amen! See entire blog here,
-Intelligibly, even why Trump's presidential campaign was to instead be pound into Altars of Jesus Christ, God will, God will see these Olsteen type leaders only as false prophets and when God bring cataclysmic disasters like those heighten and pending US soil right now, one after another their way, they'll have their reward, repent or it's death, judgment and Hell! So these nation and earth enders coming, is possibly why by a dream the night of June 26th 2015, my Jesus type husband in my dreams This one come and carried all my grands off to Georgia as to get them off safety, seeing I wasn't listening, so this all of a sudden wake up clause/call. Soon said dream wasn't only about evacuating my grands from pending dangers, but it was about Christ also making an escape of the Bride as well. Understand, this amazing to explicate deliverance wasn't only about getting the Bride out of an inedible end of nation building that has come, tens of millions to perish US soil alone. Miraculously it was about getting as many as Americans as possible to evacuate as well, that's Southeast, into an eventual exodus, one I been seeing Americans in, sincerely, just as plenteous as I've seen the Bride the skyward escape, I've seen their grounded exodus.
-So now, doing this final demonstration of rapture both were being moved out of danger at the same time, ah, indeed what a mighty God of love and mercy we serve, if only we practice in believe, hallelujah, I say! Needfully, I'm just gonna say, if God is so desperate to move such inundated with the American illusion human beings out of the way, that my Jesus' husband is dead. That now my daughter whose mom sickness got us to Georgia two years to the exact day and month anniversary as this escaping to Christ, to Georgia dream, has after three attempts on her life, ascended, having received Christ, her ailment like so many other loved ones seen now stranded in Georgia, again mom's having served it's purpose. Before any of these eliminations into exodus, I witnessed reapers getting after stampeding trying to escape what seen like the days of the Cuban Missiles crisis in the land, only worse with having an outbreak of mortuary all around them.
-Causing this quick to get away, was the worse of breaking news was upon them, as presently this threat of Nuclear fire biting at their heels, one that's to threaten all parents for the kill, yet another that is commanded to finish all schools, these transgender traps, just now again starting up. Not only shown to be this at present slow motion exodus, but as i forewarn, possibly with 20 millions instantly dead, on to the prophesied 50 million this beginning total, an American exodus no less. Explaining just as well this maze of apocalypse set up along a single water cooler for millions now stranded, yet while a woman bearing black bowls, vials, Rev. 16,. Simply, what the worse of the worse yet to come, the beast' mark can't shelter them from, is visibly approaching. Only right now, all Elohim, to Apostle see, are Americans going on just as Jesus forewarn, as the days of Noah, happily, rejoicing at seeing, hearing and knowing nothing, these Olsteen type messages, of sudden destruction come for them, directly. Awake, beware, DECIDE, Apb, The RAM, May God bless your exodus, Amen! See entire blog here,
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