Trump, The American Exodus, The Brides Escape, To Jesus Millennium 2017-2024, Awake!

    -Article... Tucker Carson ask, "what can they do to you?" I Apostle of Christ contend like Him, Jesus nothing, but as by Christ's Cross you lay your treasures in heaven, only then can you stand as Jesus. How like him you can say, destroy God's Anointed, your heart, soul, spirit all now in heaven and by the performance of but a nano-second. That's faster than Tweety Trump, you are risen not only to life, but glorious immoralities, crying aloud Grave, where is they victory? May God bless your exit to exodus, The Rising Above Ministry, (RAM), see more here,

Prophecy Links

     -Seen to seeing 2001, a great panic, into a stampede of an American Exodus, this Dunlap Street, now one featuring President Obama, prior to visiting BTW, School, still another featuring First Lady Obama, prior to her visiting, St. Jude of Memphis, and just as so, one of the Miya girl, acting as to remind us, of the Mayan migration into the Mayan earth ending prophecy. (So you've decided there's nothing into the plenteous exodus into parts of Africa I've seen America in more than I can count these 31 spring, and one as recent as 2015, the end of Obama's timetable, acting as both the Brides escape to America, the West exodus. This escape, was about the children, my grands were taken first, it was only then, I was made to follow, a call, a command has gone out that all schools be finished yes.
     -Though as well, a command that all parents, be killed, all parents now targeted will possibly explain Ken Peters rapture to tribulation dream, (, whereas all around what was also left behind, as to abandon, were babies in baby carriages, this wasn't because the parents were rapture, your faithfulness grantee their escape with you. but parents now dead. So many bad things are happening, fires, flooding, mudslides, what manner of trial has to be performed, who or what will God have to take from you, to get you moving Southeast into the prophesied American exodus? Something God's allowance of Trump, both His, Jesus, and yours, President Trump, supposed to be doing, awake, repent, escape in this order and may God bless your exodus! Amen.

     Trump, The American Exodus, The Brides Escape, To Jesus Millennium 2017-2024, Awake!

-Holy Spirits been warning Americans of this, since I witnessed the opening of Jeremiah 37:8, 1998, this warning, what I designed as America's like the days of King Belshazzar,. predestined hand writing on the wall, ever this curse until western civilization into western rule is no more. such the forewarning was reiterated oddly yet amazingly, by a dream 2015, when a pending young terrorist, Farook, walked up to the window, the driver side of my running auto, began this conversation with me, before taking over, (seizure, www.layasiege2016.blogspot,com), and becoming such the reckless driver, see here,
     -So if they're threatening, their fire to fury is just one of many disastrous event God designed to bring America to it's knees right into finished and a sorely prophesied exodus, thus Trump, the Truexit. These forewarning, love them, like the days of King Zechariah burn them or cast them out will explain that even while Trump was readying to inauguration went forth a 2002 forewarning cry. Once of showing four continent to nations in a block, now voting in a new prudence, those in a tug of nuclear war right now, was as so the  cry "that fifty million would die." Evenly so, that just as soon as Trump took oath and office, all with desperate Americans crying, post Hussein's administrations, Trump make it great again, even then Holy Spirits forewarn, instead is theirs, Americans a nuclear fate, surely meaning it's predestined, get you and yours out of it!
     -I, Apostle/Prophet, appointed by Jesus Himself, demonstrated upon by a type of the great gathering spring of 1986, and since, this one who by the predestination of bible prophecy, predicted 2003, a Hussein White house, Of which turn out to be not only an Obama's, but the last two weeks and seven years of America to the West timetable, meaning since the dispensation of grace allowing this predatory lending has ended. Right into the Righteous Bride only by a second by second countdown from ascension. Sincerely, never, ever has Western rule be so vulnerable to just any deadly event. Possibly way lately, only days past, I witnessed end time Prince Beast of Antichrist growing cabinet. Those which did rise, Obama's campaign, those which would revise in these end times, the Lion, now Mystery, the Leopard, this ending despot, having the mighty speed and a force of wings.
     -Even those evils, Ps. 22, once gloating in Jesus' horrible crucifixion, demon dogs, whatever they were, even their horrors these ancient of days, they were all now posing most of all as gentle house pets, this unforeseen threat. Well I'm reminded, of that parody of the appointed doing Bush wars and millions now dead and lost, this 11 O'clock shopping lunch hour, all while military loved ones were shown just this slaughtered. I believe, as a show of force, His, Elohim God's wine press, there will by a natural disasters into an extinction level event impacting US spoil, be a spoilage of tens of millions of lives to souls instantly lost, not only to act as the most ginormous wake up call since the days of old of God's Righteous Judgment.
     -Though to show all leaders and powers this earth, again as the days of those seven fallen kingdom nations, Revelation 17. A prophetic awareness, Daniel 4, that drove king of kings Nebuchadnezzar into seven years of madness. All explicated to Prophet Daniel and the Apostle John, as to portray to masses controlling this earth once and for all He alone is God. Just this heart gripping to mind boggling truth will not only explain participating in the most phenomenon of heaven to earth census taking. This magnanimous of having, well witnessing the Lamb's book of life open but the warning going forth lately, yet another proof the seals of Revelations being open.
     -Unimaginable, but for these end times as prophesied and promised, God is not only hearing but is acting upon, while the cry is this, finally, and I quote Holy Spirits, "get ye to repentant altars." Apparently those Apostle told you, 2016 voting booths, into mass assembly should be pound into, again, for unless it all goes into the earth and die as Christ's, can it then reproduce, as Christ now risen, a divine harvest. Repeatedly, "get ye to repent altars God is avenging martyred  blood. Righteously, if doing this reaping of all this earth guilty blood ever, or ever again, the righteous are scarcely, because Jesus snatches them out of it, saved, then surely the unrighteous perish, being these six thousand years of outreaching God's Holiness, without excuse.
     As this finished, in the year of Christ Lord Jesus, 1986, by an appearance of the Bridegroom Himself, further having the appearance of God, I was told to tell you, He, Jesus was coming again these 31 springs. It was in 2004, by an appearance of the Angel Gabriel himself, I was to warn, we're the generation, all that's biblical is unto fulfillment, throughout all earth rule into the seventh tru. Now standing atop the very mountain prophetically of Jesus' return, the mount of Olives from which he ascended. Undoubtedly as prophesied readying into Armageddon destruction into the lake of fire, 2010, was proof of New Jerusalem descending growing impatient.
     -It would be days later, when I would hear of the 21 male Christians terrorist as mention here, threaten with being beheaded, took and endured this test, ascending to Jesus forthwith. That at the same time, right along my bed, 2015, 02/17-19, to be exact, it was divine text messages, expressing aloud as to answer these men's heart call; "Jesus is coming, Jesus is on His way," as in route here, no longer the delay. Then by or since a divine census taking, right out of the Lamb's book of life, 2015, you're now to realize, as one awaiting a fullness of a nano-second, described in scripture as speedy as the blink of eye, here presently is Jesus' Call.
     -The Cry Of The Arch Angel Michael, the Sounding of the Trump Of God I witnessed being past off to an Angel Gabriel, they're are all as close to us, as the days of Jesus' own ascension. I was listening to a video, recorded years ago, those who explained doing this time Jesus' stay will be about six thousand feet above the earth, then his call will summon us there, I saw, as to see from there all the earth, as this temporal stay. All for which Apostle cry, may god bless either your escape with God's last Trumpet, or your exodus with America's Trump, be warn, all procrastination, even warn of the days of hurricane Katrina, into either exit. Sadly, worthlessly, of just this useless attempt to forego, as to jump start America into Western Civilization will be met all the more with Gods wrath bearing reapers, beware, and again Apostle, say, beware!

Prophecy Link

     -And I Heard in my hearing a cry in my ear, just as my eyes open, 07/31/2017 "Are You Readyyy, Ready For The Big Ride Babyyyy!, (It's Nicholas Cage's character, Castor Troy, The Movie face Off. Certainly this parody right now of what's truly going on between Trump and Jong Un, prophetically of America being warn on having a nuclear fate, whose Trump, like the Bride, is a Truexit and Jong Un's out break of Missiles tests, taunting relentlessly US soil, beware, be very aware.
     -And I Heard My Hearing, 07/31/2017, the song, the lyrics, sounding continuously, "no winter cold can stop me babe," (these lyrics are of the song, 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough,' to keep from getting to you, apparently it's blessed assurance, those awaiting a spring rapture, that the God who promised is faithful and trustworthy, Stand! Nothing will prevent Him, nothing!,

There's Something About April 29th, Beware!

Prophecy Link

     -And I Heard in my hearing a cry in my ear, just as my eyes open, 07/31/2017 "Are You Readyyy, Ready For The Big Ride Babyyyy!, (It's Nicholas Cage's character, Castor Troy, The Movie face Off. Certainly this parody right now of what's truly going on between Trump and Jong Un, prophetically of America being warn on having a nuclear fate, whose Trump, like the Bride, is a Truexit and Jong Un's out break of Missiles tests, taunting relentlessly US soil, beware, be very aware.
     -And I Heard My Hearing, 07/31/2017, the song, the lyrics, sounding continuously, "no winter cold can stop me babe," (these lyrics are of the song, 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough,' to keep from getting to you," apparently it's blessed assurance, those awaiting a spring rapture, that the God who promised is faithful and trustworthy, Stand! Nothing will prevent Him, nothing! See,  S. O. S. 2:10-13,  see here,

Draw Me, We Will Run After Thee!
     -The August 29th date in this work, got my attention, as it was whispered into my ear only a day past, here, it's said to be the date Moses again went up the mountain Sinai and received the ten commandments. Those that Jesus phenomenally by His Own Blood crafted into the two impossible of commandments, surely that unless you die, to live again in Christ. Well, it's impossible that you're to love God with all that is heart, mind and soul within, evenly that you love thy neighbor, even your enemy as thyself. Henceforth, Holy Spirits lamenting how self need be pound into the dust, that's like a seed for only as it dies, can it then come into a newness of life and be Spirited into a great harvest.
     -Onto to doing a visitation to heaven, 2016, I was in glorious celebrations, when a Holy One approached, me, said He, wanted to see me, next I know I'm standing before a mountain, God's Throne. Soon from which a brightness like the sun emerges and speak as the days of Moses, and I quote, "let my people go." Undoubtedly the great whore of religious that is America to Western civilization, as lamented instead of Trump's campaign being evacuated Southeast. Clearly, caught into a slow motion exodus these 31 springs, due a stampede right now, as in right now! Apb, Awake, Repent, Escape, in this order, and may God Bless it, Amen!

    -Exactly 16 years later, on August 11th, 2017, Leah called Rick again.  She called to tell him that “the alarms are ringing” again and that she was seeing dead birds fall out of the sky everywhere…Article,

Trump, The American Exodus, The Brides Escape, To Jesus Millennium 2017-2024, Awake!

     -Her bells are ringing prophecy is precisely to the the year Dec. 25th 2001 and the 15.10 years timetable, of the intrepid dream judgment into the Brides escape, and now America's own Trump to exodus that will see it's finale, by cataclysms, and yes that's' plural, by October 2017. I was reminded earlier, the Angel Gabriel, 2004, citing all things are unto fulfillment, mean every prophecy that has been spoken that has to be fulfilled before Daniel's week, are all destined to be fulfilled, meaning the Bride's escape even as you read and I write.
     -Although I dreamed, Obama's ending time table 06/26/2015, God's plan of escape for the Bride these thousand of years, little did we realize, just as Apostle John, as recorded Revelation 18, hear a cry of God that His come out, that Holy Spirits all this time was also planning an escape or those overtaken unknowingly by the great wore of Mystery (babel); explaining why right now, as the Bride's escape readies they're being evacuated into the extreme southeast, this exodus, and may God bless it. His final effort to saved and thus redeem as many Americans as possible. Awake, Repent, Escape, in this order, remember, even like days of Moses, God knows what He's doing see, listen here, Apb, The RAM,,


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