Beware Of Yellowstone's Soon Come Trajectory, Beware!

     -Is God As Angry Right Now As The Days Of Noah And Greater? I heard A Command Lately, That All Parents be Killed By, That All Schools Be Finished, That 50 Million Will Die, 2002 and 2017, Even More Frightening, That God Is Avenging Martyred Blood, So You Tell Me!

Prophecy Links

-And I Heard In My Hearing, The Lyrics singing In My Ears, "no winter cold, can stop me babe," (soon by research, I would learn these lyrics are taken from the song, 'ain't no mountain high enough; to keep me from getting to you babe. Further meaning all those awaiting a spring rapture are to be reassured, He that promised and prophesied is faithful and trustworthy. That absolutely nothing this planet will prevent the Bridegroom of the Bride at this time, Stand)! Apb,

-What did I see? I saw he Bride now reigning in heaven, having in her possession the stone cut out without hands (Dan. 4), I saw that it had the surface of a meteor, that when she released it, I heard a voice announce, "this is the Antichrist murderer." Beware, As the days of Daniel into Antichrist, Apb

     -Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, see II Pet. 3:10-11, (be Christ altar/temple into Americas exodus),

President Trump Declared Peace And Safety, Now An Outbreak Of Sudden Destruction

     -From The Escape Into The American Exodus, The Sunlight Returns With Healing For All Nations In His Wings, Per Eclipse 2017/18 Into Eclipse 2024/25, May God Bless All Esacpe to Exodus

     -If these times are carrying on like it's the days of both Noah and Moses, into the prophets of old where eighty percent of end time prophecy is being fulfilled right now.  Then I would view this as America's Sea into Blood of a curse, if Texas is one of the oil producers of America, then it is as much bloody as it is money, politics and power. I mean especially churchian to sandians have to be reminded how bloodied with destroying any enemy threatening their way of life, those having forsaken God, Christ days without numbers. how predatory is this carnivorous warmonger, Western Rule. This is why there were some mighty with concern Holy Spirits lamenting as the days of  the late nineties "get ye to altars, to all things Jesus Christ, learn of end time events, a darkness is coming." Only now, nearly two decades later, after seeing two great beast Rise as surely as Obama.
     -Presently, as in only weeks past, this cry, "get ye to repentant altars God is avenging martyred blood," no human being want to be on this planet if God has opted to avenge mountainous blood guiltiness . That yet unthinkable, dating back to the first family feud, of Cain slaying Abel, this curse upon human kind right today. Horribly of which American soil rich with spilled blood has been discovered mighty guilty, so as stated the living word of God, if the righteously scarcely be saved where shall the ungodly and unrighteous appear, or do I tell them, Hell hath enlarged itself? As I was going along my house days past, I kept hearing this ringing in my ear, "it's too late to pologize, it's too late, a-a-a, it's too late to pologize. it's too late, a-a-a. None of us need be a genius to understand what is being announced here, a nation at the point of no return, facing complete deletion.
     -All knowing there is only one of two things left to do, repentance to Jesus and exiting with or because of Jesus, why this last demonstration of rapture was seen moving potential tribulation saints out as well, Southeast Georgia into Exodus. Just notice one thing in particular, hundreds of thousands to millions of lives were spared a category 4 hurricane only don't count your blessings just yet, literally. Not except you repent, ready an exit and get out of America, not only because there is an extinction level event set for October 2017, staged to suddenly end tens of millions of lives US soil alone, reapers knowing the heart are targeting all proud with procrastination, it's like having your locked and loaded weaponry, like the drug trade right now, drug overdoses number killer, so backfire on you. As I been describing and describing, a Yellowstone eruption alone could do this, possibly the pundit of "99 bowls of molten lava," also in my ear, this first of the year.
     -Even the word Dutchsinse given, a youtube channel that's to see this bringer of death, I witnessed released from beneath the earth over two decades past, when he, Dutchsinse sees it, so will you. Which remind me, when it was first announced how Texas shoppers were fighting over water I was reminded of this gigantic maze of troubles, I do mean a huge as this nation literal maze instilled with restroom brawls as transgender traps for children, why all schools are commanded to be finished. Though further I witnessed Americans standing patiently by the millions this single water cooler and if that wasn't this master disaster all it's own a woman bearing black bowls and get this, business cards for better homeless shelters approaches. Well Yellowstone is a world ender, let alone a nation, yet if it carries itself as a domino effect, taking the same identical trajectory as the 2017 Eclipse. As to activate all teetering at edge fracture fault lines along this curious path, the San Andres, The Subduction Zone, The Madrid, all.
     -I agree, we're not just talking America's destruction we're talking about extinction, you see, what followed this ELE was a pale horse like epidemic. Again correct, we're talking a complete wipe out of what America, to Western rule even to nation building ever were or should ever be again, Christ Millennium is descending. I mean seeing this, which is why knowing bible prophecy is mightily important, again, seeing Apostle Peter prophesied how one day, even by this one event, a huge chuck of it, how this entire planet will be complete;y dissolved, possibly an exploding atom. Certainly Apostle Peter then ask, and surely Americans, Apostle been telling you, since 2002, right into Trump's administration so still staring down the wine press of God of a death toll right now, as in right now, by the multi-millions, Apostle Peter ask, what manner of person you ought to be, knowing these things. I'll just say, if these days are as the days of Moses and standing before a mountain God's throne, from whence emerges a Sunlight of God which spoke, let my people go, then I would definitely suspect that it is.
     -Equally that us where seeming ages ago, Elohim Himself  shown to be in a step by step, day by day the awareness of fears and decisions of His Creation. That he them knew what manner of people great small these preppers to tunnelers even Sandian, who stampeding cries recorded God's revelation this ancient, gives us some ideal how horrid these times right here, crying, for the great day of God's wrath is come and shall be able to stand? No One, the death bringer I saw, cut out without hands, meaning this was no way, no where man, the elite shown to be building and getting to fall out shelters of their own. This outbreak if mortuary from Noah's Ark to the Little Miya girl in the room was being released from beneath the earth, the same scientist describes of a super volcano, like Yellowstone, I witnessed when the earth just open, and this mighty rider of death was released, soon a voice, "this is death, it rides against the lives, lands and churches of the people forsaking God, got Him, got Jesus yet, awake, repent escape in this order and may God bless it, Amen, Apb


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